In this paper, we have provided evidence that prenatal administration of HB-EGF can reduce the severity of NEC in a rat pup model. Growth factors play an important role in the development and maintenance of the GI tract as well as its response to injury. Through a variety of in vitro, in vivo, and human experiments, we have learnt what growth factor influences demonstrate. Specifically, EGF and HB-EGF demonstrate some favorable effects in both experimental and clinical intestinal injuries, including NEC.18 19
HB-EGF has a protective effect on the intestines by protecting them from injury, such as that caused by NEC. The mouse and rat animal models have shown beneficial effects which may be translated to humans. Human small intestine resected for suspected NEC showed higher HB-EGF mRNA levels at the healthy edge of the resection margins compared with that which was adjacent to the NEC-afflicted tissue. This suggests that an absence or decreased HB-EGF expression may contribute to the pathogenesis of NEC, or healing after NEC intestinal injury.4 19
Both amniotic fluid and breast milk contain growth factors yielding potential effects to bathe intestinal cells before and after birth.19 Fetuses are naturally exposed to HB-EGF in utero during intestinal tract development, and postnatally, infants exposed are exposed to HB-EGF via breast milk.12 Michalsky et al12 showed HB-EGF is present in amniotic fluid obtained from pregnant females less than 36 weeks of gestation. These results, combined with the data from the postnatal HB-EGF administration paper where NEC incidence and severity were significantly reduced by OG administration, led us to investigate a prenatal prophylactic pathway.3
A prenatal administration of HB-EGF can be a prophylactic strategy for high-risk pregnancies that result in premature deliveries of newborns at high risk for NEC. The envisioned strategy would resemble the prenatal administration of corticosteroids prenatally to prevent respiratory distress syndrome and to accelerate fetal lung maturation20; however, it is unclear what dose, timing, and frequency would be needed for such prenatal approach and, most importantly, what, if any, is the potential maternal toxicity. Identifying premature infants that will develop NEC is very difficult, but based on the known predisposing factors for NEC development, it is possible to target a certain population. This novel prophylactic strategy could be offered to this population; mothers who are delivering a premature infant less than 28 weeks of gestation with a higher risk of developing NEC. While compared with ovarian cysts and normal ovaries, HB-EGF expression is more enhanced in ovarian cancer tissue, it remains to be determined if a single dose or a time point of HB-EGF administration to a pregnant mother will have postnatal short or long-term maternal risks.21 22
The injury of NEC on neonatal intestine is associated with increased wall permeability, decreased intestinal wall barrier function, and subsequent bacterial translocation.23 In mice HB-EGF KO experiments, HB-EGF was essential for demonstrating gut barrier function preservation largely due to the inhibition of cell interactions between neutrophils and endothelial cells.24 In the experimental animal models inducing intestinal injury in NEC, exogenous administration of HB-EGF given enterally preserves the gut barrier function.19 25 Our results show that HB-EGF is able to preserve gut barrier function when administered prenatally, which we believe may explain, in part, the mechanism behind decreased NEC incidence.
With regard to the route of administration, we chose the intravenous and the intraperitoneal routes based on previous data demonstrating that HB-EGF can serve to have protective effects in the intestine when administered.14 The importance of testing the amniotic fluid from the rats with intraperitoneal injection is to prove the efficacy of the delivery route. Of note, the intravenous route would not result in an increased HB-EGF concentration in the amniotic fluid because HB-EGF is limited to the systemic circulation in the pup. Thus, this would be meaningless to investigate the amniotic fluid after intravenous injection. Intragastric and intravenously administered HB-EGF has had well-described pharmacokinetics26; however, the absorption and distribution of intraperitoneally administered HB-EGF remain a mystery.
In an experimental 125I-labeled HB-EGF intravenous bolus delivery, the distribution half life was noted to be 0.8 min and an elimination half life was 26.67 min.26 After gastric 125I-labeled HB-EGF administration, the absorption phase was noted to have a 2.38-hour half life and the elimination phase had an 11.13-hour half life, with an overall bioavailability of 7.8%. The rank order of normalized HB-EGF tissue in decreasing distribution was solid abdominal organs (liver, kidney, spleen) and lungs, then heart and intestines, followed by the testes and brain. Two hours following the administration coincided with increased radioactivity in intestine, brain, and testes was increased, the liver, lungs, kidneys, heart, and spleen showed gradually decreased radioactivity from 0.5 to 8 hours.26
Large multicenter assessments of the mortality of surgical NEC showed a mortality of approximately 35%.27 28 A prophylactic strategy for NEC would make most sense in terms of reducing severity and incidence to ultimately result in increased survival. Our data align with previous reports that have shown HB-EGF administration in a postnatal fashion by means of OG gavage significantly increases the survival in the neonatal rat NEC model.10 Our laboratory is in the process of correlating these improved survival data with long-term neurodevelopmental benefits.
This study provides evidence that HB-EGF administered prenatally decreases the incidence and severity of NEC and increases the survival rate in the neonatal rat model. Additionally, the mechanisms responsible for this effect are potentially rooted in gut barrier function preservation. Based on these results, these advantages of HB-EGF administration could potentially represent a viable prophylactic strategy for high-risk pregnancies.
In conclusion, we have shown that prenatal HB-EGF administration decreases the NEC incidence and severity, preserves gut barrier function, and increases survival. The fundamental goal of this research is to find a clinical use of HB-EGF for mothers at risk of delivering a premature infant at high risk for NEC as a novel prophylactic therapy. Our current work adds a novel strategy to the armamentarium in the fight against NEC. We hope that clinical trials will emerge to investigate the translational use of HB-EGF therapy in humans.