TIP urethroplasty for hypospadias has gained widespread acceptance due to its versatility, lower complication rate and reliable creation of vertically oriented meatus, with excellent cosmesis.12 13 The use of a waterproofing second cover for the neourethra is well documented in the literature varying from dartos-based flaps (ventral, dorsal and scrotal dartos flaps), TV flap, to corpus spongiosum, which is known to decrease the incidence of UCF.14–24 Despite obvious surgical advances in hypospadias repair, no single technique has been free of complication.18 The common complications reported after TIP urethroplasty repair include fistula, urethral stricture, meatal stenosis and persistent chordee. UCF is the most common complication, and the causes of fistula may be local infection, ischemia and distal obstruction due to meatal stenosis.25
The use of spongiosal tissue as an intermediate layer between the urethra and skin was described in 2000 by Yerkes and Beaudoin in two different studies.5 11 26 Yerkes reported no UCF in the patients with spongioplasty used as second layer after TIP repair, whereas Beaudoin described the anatomical characteristics of the spongiosal layer in the hypospadiac penis and implemented spongioplasty in patients with hypospadias.11
The reported fistula rate with spongioplasty ranges from 0% to 31%,14 which is comparable with our result (ie, 26.7%). Bhat et al have shown a very low fistula rate with spongioplasty after Snodgrass repair.15 Several investigators have shown spongioplasty to be as protective as a DF, but others have found spongioplasty to be associated with high fistula rates compared with standard DF.27 Spongiosal tissue is not always well developed or available and may not be mobilized over the neourethral suture line.
DF is a layer of connective tissue found in the penile dorsal or ventral area, foreskin and scrotum, and can be used in hypospadias or fistula repair in different techniques.28 29 Excellent vascularity, easy availability and adequate source are advantages of DF, making this flap technique more popular, especially among young surgeons. Preputial skin necrosis and penile rotation are commonly reported complications with the DF, but they can be avoided by careful operation and technical improvement. Smith performed TIP urethroplasty with ventral based dartos pedicle flap for covering the neourethra in 56 patients without complication.17 While Furness reported that of the 111 patients with reconstruction using the ventral based dartos pedicle flap to cover the TIP, urethroplasty was successful in 109 (98.2%) with only 2 patients developing UCF.18 We found 80% of cases without complication in DF group. Dartos-based flaps have the advantage of being available locally and do not require another incision or extension of the incision. Soygur et al adopted the ventral based DF and found the flap much easier to construct with little time added to surgery and no harvesting-related complications.19 They also obtained satisfactory results with a fistula rate of 8.3%. Hayashi et al reported an incidence of 9% fistula rate with ventral based dartos flap.20
We could not find any article comparing these two methods of soft-tissue cover in English literature. The main limitation of our study was that the number of patients was not quite large. Hypospadias surgery is a technically challenging procedure, and different results can be obtained in different hands with different experience.
In conclusion, intervening flap covering urethral tube should be the part of the Snodgrass procedure. A dorsal well‐vascularized DF is a good choice for preventing fistula. Redundancy of the flap and its excellent vascularization depends on the harvesting technique.
We found that DF coverage of the neourethra after TIP urethroplasty had less complication compared with spongioplasty cover, although the result was not statistically significant. However, spongioplasty can be used as an additional cover because it provides well-vascularized, spongy protective covering to the neourethra and it also reduces the degree of penile curvature and can be helpful in avoiding dorsal plication in some of the patients with hypospadias with moderately severe curvature.