Table 1

Hypopharyngeal inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors in the literature

Case numberAge (sex)Clinical presentationTumor siteDisease courseTherapyFollow-up timeOutcome
1564 (M)Progressive dysphagia and voice change that had been present.Right side of the hypopharynx.3 monTotal resection transorally by direct microlaryngoscopic surgery.6 monEvent-free survival.
2640 (M)Progressive dysphagia, globus sensation, and a weight loss of 5 kg.Medial aspect of the sinus piriformis.6 monTotal resection transorally by direct microlaryngoscopic surgery.3 yEvent-free survival.
3774 (F)Weight loss, progressive dysphagia, odynophagia, and globus sensation.Right posterior wall of the hypopharynx.No reportPalliative surgical resection.11 monDeath due to disease progression.
4849 (M)Globus sensation.Left posterior hypopharyngeal wall.2 yearsTotal resection transorally by direct microlaryngoscopic surgery.2 yEvent-free survival.
5969 (M)Persistent productive cough of brown sputum, globus symptoms, dysphagia, odynophagia, dysphonia, otalgia, and general malaise.Posterior pharyngeal wall.2 monthsCorticosteroid therapy.2 ySurvival with tumor.
  • F, female; M, male.