Table 1

Patient demographics and audit results

Mean age at time of biopsy, d (range)32.5 (2–318)49 (2–358)
No of biopsies197438
No of biopsy episodes76184
Mean no of biopsies per episode (range)2.6 (1–7)2.4 (1–3)
Inadequate biopsies (%)82 (41%)77 (18%)
Inadequate episode rate (%)10/76 (13%)14/184 (8%)
Significant complications1 (bowel perforation)3 (rectal bleeding)
Hirschsprung’s disease (%)19 (28%)49 (27%)
  • Data regarding demographics and details of the biopsies for all of the patients undergoing SRB with the Noblett and Rbi2 devices.