Table 2

Analysis of reports on pediatric Monteggia equivalent lesion (group II)

Case numberAuthor, yAge (y), gender (M/F)Lesion descriptionSketchManagementOutcome
UlnaRadiusRadiocapitellar joint
1Kamali,10 19745, FProximal third ulnar fractureRadial neck fracture, head medially and posteriorly displacedPosteriorly dislocatedfigure 2-IIcCR, OR, Kw (through radiocapitellar joint)Slight limitation of supination at 3-mon follow-up
2Heinrich and Butler,11 200711, MUlnar posteriorly bowingRadial head fractureChronic posteriorly dislocatedfigure 2-IIdOR, Sw (radial head), Pt (Ulnar wedge Osteotomy)Good at 3-y follow-up
3Sur et al,12 201012, FProximal third ulnar fracture,undisplacedRadial neck fracture, posteriorly rotatedPosteriorly dislocated;
Chronic radial shaft posteriorly translocated
figure 2-IIbCR, OR, reconstruction surgeryFair at 9-mon follow-up
4Clark et al,13 20175,FMid-shaft ulnar fracture, anteriorly angulatedRadial neck fracture (delayed diagnosis), shaft anteriorly displacedPosteriorly dislocatedfigure 2-IIaCR, Kw (ulna);
OR, Kw (radial neck)
Good at 4-wk follow-up
  • CR, closed reduction; ESIN, elastic stable intramedullary nailing; F, female; Kw, K-wire; M, male; OR, open reduction; Pt, plate; Sw, screw.