Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics for patients

VariablesARM+ (n=12)ARM– (n=91)P value
Male:female ratio (% male)6:6 (50)57:34 (63)0.399
Mean incidence of all UTI per patient (including preoperative)*2.0±1.62.0±1.20.775
Use of prophylactic antibiotics, n(%)9 (75)84 (92)0.091
Recurrence of UTI, n(%)8 (67)61 (67)0.979
Bilateral VUR, n(%)3 (25)36 (40)0.528
Severity of D-VUR, n=ureters (%)0.174
 Grade Ⅲn=9 (60)n=56 (43)
 Grade Ⅳn=3 (20)n=59 (45)
 Grade Ⅴn=3 (20)n=16 (12)
RDS n=kidneys (%)0.036
 RDS=0 (none)n=2 (13.3)n=47 (35.9)
 RDS=1 (less than two lesions, split renal function >40%)n=4 (26.7)n=52 (39.7)
 RDS=2m (multiple lesions, split renal function <40%)n=2 (13.3)n=7 (5.3)
 RDS=2d (diffuse lesions, split renal function <40%)n=7 (46.7)n=25 (19.1)
Presence of BBD, n(%)5 (42)7 (8)0.0006
Mean follow-up period (years)*6.6±1.16.0±0.30.950
  • * Data were presented with mean±SD.

  • ARM, anorectal malformation; BBD, bladder and bowel dysfunction; D-VUR, dilating vesicoureteral reflux; RDS, renal dysfunction score; SD, standard deviation; UTI, urinary tract infection; VUR, vesicoureteral reflux.