Although the fundamental principles of lung-protective ventilation are probably consistent across populations, as illustrated by the similarity of the impact of driving pressure in ARDS and in surgical patients, there are significant pathophysiological differences between infants with CDH and adults at risk of VILI. This context must be kept in mind when extrapolating from the adult data, but the CDH-specific evidence currently available is insufficient to provide an adequate alternative.
Vulnerability of the hypoplastic lung
In infants with CDH, the fibroelastic structure of the lung tissue in the more hypoplastic regions may be stiffer than normal,36 resulting in preferential distribution of tidal volume into the rest of the lung and exposure of these less hypoplastic areas to injury in the same manner as the ‘baby lung’ in ARDS and surgical patients. However, the flooded alveoli in ARDS and the collapsed alveoli in surgical patients may be relatively protected from VILI because they are not subject to overdistention, and because any RACE would be confined to the distal airways entering the affected acini.21 37 In contrast, all of the alveoli in babies with CDH, regardless of the degree of regional hypoplasia, remain open throughout the respiratory cycle and are fully exposed to whatever ventilation pressures are applied.
Little is known about the intrinsic susceptibility of hypoplastic lung tissue to VILI, although autopsy data from babies managed before the ‘gentle ventilation’ era show that both lungs are damaged by aggressive ventilation.7 This may simply reflect the very high peak pressures used during this epoch, but increased susceptibility to damage in the most hypoplastic areas—from overdistention, RACE or both—cannot be ruled out. Mechanical ventilation in CDH may therefore need to be individualized differently than in ARDS, with the best possible settings representing a compromise between optimal protection of the ipsilateral and contralateral lungs. Despite some interesting theoretical work in this domain,38 no clinical parameters such as driving pressure have been tested directly in the CDH population.
The fact that the poorly compliant regions of lung tissue in CDH are hypoplastic—rather than flooded or collapsed—also suggests that they are non-recruitable, a hypothesis that is indirectly supported by data showing that measures designed to prioritize an open lung or maintain alveolar stability do not add further benefit to standard gentle ventilation protocols in the wider CDH population: a small study examining two levels of PEEP in spontaneously breathing infants immediately after CDH repair favored the lower value (2 cm H2O vs 5 cm H2O)39; exogenous surfactant administration has not proven useful in CDH40 41; and the only randomized controlled trial examining any aspect of ventilation in CDH failed to show any benefit to using HFOV (at a relatively high mean airway pressure) over conventional gentle ventilation.42
An important caveat to the idea that CDH lungs are fundamentally non-recruitable is that atelectasis adds an element of recruitability when allowed to occur. Atelectasis increases intrapulmonary shunt fraction, raises PVR, and promotes VILI by decreasing the size of the ‘baby lung’. Unfortunately, the balance between the inward pull of the lung tissue and the outward recoil of the chest wall is heavily tilted toward collapse in neonates, such that functional residual capacity (FRC) in the absence of muscle tone lies below closing capacity.43 This imbalance obliges all neonates to actively maintain FRC and avoid atelectasis.43 Intubation, anesthesia, and paralysis all interfere with this active maintenance of FRC, implying that some degree of PEEP will be necessary after intubation in all neonates, including those with CDH, to maintain an open lung.
Sedation and paralysis
When feasible, maintenance of spontaneous ventilation may provide favorable hemodynamic conditions and an intubated (but unparalyzed) neonate will still contribute to the preservation of FRC as long as reasonable synchrony with the ventilator is maintained. Unfortunately, synchrony can be difficult to achieve, making atelectasis a common problem in mechanically ventilated neonates. While this is a compelling reason to avoid intubation in those babies who can manage without it,44 it also explains why gas exchange commonly improves when, after struggling with asynchrony for a while, clinicians eventually resort to using a muscle relaxant. As long as PEEP is raised sufficiently to negate the accompanying drop in transpulmonary pressure,45 the consistency of respiratory system mechanics resulting from pharmacological paralysis (which need not be complete) may make avoidance of both collapse and overdistention more feasible and may therefore assist with providing ventilation that is both effective and safe.46
Consistency of conditions was the principal mechanism proposed by the authors of a trial that demonstrated improved outcomes with up to 48 hours of paralysis early in ARDS.29 Likewise, a trial in adults with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure found that titrating a cis-atracurium infusion to achieve partial neuromuscular blockade always succeeded in meeting lung-protective ventilation targets while allowing some spontaneous respiratory effort, even when other measures were insufficient.47 It is important to acknowledge, however, that the utility of paralysis as part of a lung-protective approach in adults may also be due, at least in part, to a reduction in the power of inspiratory efforts made by the patient. The compliant neonatal chest wall seems to mitigate overdistention injury in analogous situations such as laryngospasm as a complication of general anesthesia, perhaps reducing any potential benefit from paralysis.
In addition to providing stable and possibly lung-protective pulmonary mechanics, pharmacological paralysis during the preoperative period may reduce gaseous distention of intrathoracic bowel—distention that can further hamper ventilation and that, on rare occasions, may even cause hemodynamic compromise.48 Despite these potential benefits, all current consensus guidelines for managing CDH11–13 warn against routine deep sedation and paralysis without any mention of context—delivery room, preoperative stabilization period, or postoperative recovery. The limited evidence for this merits closer inspection.
Terui and colleagues retrospectively reviewed their experience using ‘fetal stabilization’ (FS), which they hoped would reduce PHT in newborns with CDH.49 To achieve FS, midazolam and fentanyl were administered to the mother during cesarean section such that the babies were delivered in a sedated state. Despite similar pulmonary pressures, the oxygenation index evaluated shortly after initial stabilization was slightly higher (worse) in FS newborns than in non-FS controls. Unfortunately, the authors do not specify whether higher ventilation pressures were permitted in the FS group to counter the sedation-induced loss of FRC. Additional work on the FS approach was abandoned by these authors based on these findings.
An observational study from 2013 provides a possible explanation for this observed drop in oxygenation index and suggests it may be avoidable. Murthy and colleagues employed respiratory function monitoring in the delivery room to demonstrate reduced respiratory system compliance after paralysis in newborns with CDH.50 The difference in compliance was sustained after five minutes of ventilation, but there is no mention of specific measures to maintain FRC. If FRC was indeed allowed to drop and tidal volumes were not adjusted to match the reduced amount of lung available to ventilate, then a corresponding fall in the compliance of the respiratory system is not unexpected because tidal ventilation would then extend past the upper inflection point of the pressure-volume curve. The authors recommend avoiding paralysis in neonates with CDH based on their observations, but their rationale invokes ‘stiff lungs’ rather than ‘small lungs’ and may therefore need to be rethought with a modified version of the ‘baby lung’ model in mind. There is no biologically plausible reason for a decrease in compliance after paralysis other than a drop in FRC, so rather than strictly avoiding paralysis we should perhaps be focusing on optimizing ventilatory parameters under various conditions—including paralysis—in individual patients with CDH.