The study was conducted in the ambulatory pediatric surgery department of the Hedi Chaker University Hospital in Sfax, Tunisia, from November 1, 2021, to April 30, 2022.
In this study, we included all children aged 1–5 years undergoing pediatric ambulatory ilioinguinal surgery who had a URI with mild to moderate symptoms such as runny nose (clear rhinorrhea), sneezing, pharyngitis (sore throat), fever of <38.5°C, rhonchi, moderate cough defined by occasional hems, and isolated and/or paroxysmal cough, without additional symptoms.4 Patients with severe symptomatic infections with wheezing, purulent nasal discharge, fever (>38.5°C), and lethargic or ill-appearing patients were canceled and postponed for 15 days from the onset of the symptoms. These canceled patients can be included in the study (15 days later) if they still have persistent mild to moderate signs of URI. We excluded patients who did not adhere to the protocol of the study and patients whose parents did not consent.
The variables included age, weight, sex, previous comorbidities, respiratory chronic diseases, and obesity (body mass index of ≥95th percentile for children of the same age and sex). Passive smoking (exposure to environmental tobacco smoke), a history of respiratory infection in the previous 15 days, and whether the patient was canceled before 15 days were noted. Furthermore, we looked into the clinical signs of a moderate URI, such as runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, 38.5°C fever, rhonchi, and moderate cough.
The COLDS score (online supplemental appendix 1) was calculated at the time of patient inclusion in the study.3 The main outcomes were the incidence of PRAEs and their impact on the ambulatory procedure. We considered ambulatory procedure failure when the patient was admitted to the hospital. The PRAEs included both perioperative and postoperative adverse events and were defined by the occurrence of one or more of the following items listed:
Oxygen desaturation of <92% (SpO2 <92%) at any moment during the surgery or later in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU).
The incidence of bronchospasm included elevated peak inspiratory pressure during anesthesia (>30 cm H2O), wheezing, and oxygen desaturation.
Incidence of laryngospasm.
Copious secretions requiring endotracheal suctioning during anesthesia.
Severe, strenuous cough, accompanied by chest discomfort or abnormal breath sounds after anesthesia.
Need for prolonged oxygen support (>1 hour postoperatively) to maintain SpO2 of >95%.
Need for nebulizer in the PACU (salbutamol).
The anesthesia protocol was standardized for all patients. A preanesthetic assessment was performed on the day of surgery and before ambulatory admission. Patients with severe URI symptoms were delayed for 15 days from the onset of symptoms. However, in the case of mild to moderate signs, surgery was accepted, and nurses used saline nasal drops to wash away built-up mucus, followed by inhalation of salbutamol (0.5% solution, 0.02 mL/kg, maximum 0.5 mL) diluted to a total volume of 2 mL and administered by face mask and nebulizer. After the routine anesthesia checklist, all patients had inhalation induction with sevoflurane (8%) delivered by a calibrated vaporizer through an open circuit. Children were breathing spontaneously during induction with 100% oxygen and 6 L/min gas flow under standard monitoring. After placement of an intravenous line, we administered 30 µg/kg alfentanil without muscle relaxant. When the depth of anesthesia was deemed appropriate (apnea), an I-Gel laryngeal mask airway was inserted, and the lungs were ventilated with a volume-controlled ventilator at 1.5 MAC (minimal alveolar concentration) sevoflurane (O2/air: 50%). The tidal volume was 6–8 mL/kg, and the respiratory rate was 20–30 cycles/min without PEEP to keep pEtCO2 (partial expiratory end tidal CO2) in the 30–35 mm Hg range. Pmax was fixed at 30 cm H2O. During the surgery, we used 3% sevoflurane for anesthesia maintenance. Hemodynamic and respiratory parameters, particularly volume, pressure, SpO2, and pEtCO2, were assessed. At the end of surgery, all patients received 15 mg/kg paracetamol for pain relief. Then, sevoflurane was stopped, and the I-Gel supraglottic airway device was removed when the patient was fully awake and effective spontaneous breathing had been acquired. Then, the patient was referred to the PACU for 2 hours. The modified Aldrete score,5 assessing patient activity, respiration, blood pressure, consciousness, and color, was used for patient discharge from the PACU. An Aldrete score of >9 is needed. In the ambulatory pediatric surgery unit, a Chung score of ≥9 with the absence of any breathing difficulty or abnormal breath sounds was required for hospital discharge.6 Parents were aware of the risk of hospitalization in the case of PRAEs. PRAEs were managed according to the classic guidelines.7 8
Patients included in the study were divided into two groups based on the incidence of PRAEs:
Figure 1 is a flowchart summarizing the selection of patients and the creation of the two groups and shows how the study size was arrived at.
Figure 1Patients’ selection and study groups. URI, upper respiratory tract infection.
All statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS V.23.0 statistical package. Continuous variables are presented as mean±SD. We distinguished two groups according to the incidence of PRAEs. The comparison between groups was achieved by Student’s t-test and χ2 test for continuous variables and categorical variables, respectively. Univariable logistic regression analyses were used to determine crude ORs with 95% approximate CIs as estimators of PRAEs. To assess the predictors of PRAEs among children with mild to moderate symptoms of URI undergoing ambulatory pediatric surgical procedures, we performed a multivariable logistic regression model. The significance threshold was set at a p value of <0.05.