The purpose of our study was to determine our institutional incidence and risk factors contributing to developing a pneumothorax in neonates with prenatally diagnosed CDH. Pneumothorax occurred in 16% of our patients, which is consistent with previous literature.16 17 Among newborns with CDH, we found that higher PEEP and Paw settings were associated with the development of a pneumothorax after controlling for gestational age, CDH defect size, and liver position. In addition, we found that pneumothorax was associated with being treated with ECLS prior to surgical repair, most notably in those with smaller defect sizes (A or B defect).
As operative management of CDH has evolved during the last several decades, so have the resuscitative efforts immediately following birth. Past hyperventilation strategies have been shown to damage the already hypoplastic lungs of patients with CDH, further delaying adequate oxygenation and contributing to subsequent ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI).20 Given that lung oxygenation is a crucial factor in decreasing pulmonary vascular resistance and in improving pulmonary blood flow with benefits to both survival and long-term outcomes, ventilator management strategies play a critical role in the survival of a patient with CDH.8 12 14 As such, there has been a transition during the past 30 years towards favoring and standardizing the concept of gentle ventilation.21 By allowing permissive hypercapnia, lower pH, lower levels of oxygen, lower ventilator pressures and decreasing the use of neuromuscular blockers and sedatives, gentle ventilation attempts to reduce the risk of barotrauma and VILI.5 Even in the era of gentle ventilation, 10.5%–23% of newborns with CDH will develop a pneumothorax.10 15 17 In our population, pneumothoraces occurred 53% of the time on the ipsilateral side of the CDH defect, suggesting both sides are at risk. In comparison, the literature reports a 62%–100% rate of developing an ipsilateral pneumothorax.16 17
By combining the ventilation data from the patients on CMV and HFJV, we found significant differences in both PIP and PEEP at multiple time intervals. Theoretically, the PIP delivered by CMV may not be equivalent to the PIP generated by HFJV.14 Given the difference between the two modes of ventilation, combining PIP data from CMV and HFJV may lead to bias. For this reason, we performed a subgroup analysis for CMV settings and another for HFJV settings. In the subgroup analysis, PEEP levels generated by CMV were higher in the pneumothorax group at pneumothorax and at ECLS. HFJV PIP was only significantly higher in the pneumothorax group at birth. We suspect that this may reflect a type II error based on small sample size.
We attempted to identify the perinatal risk factors associated with the development of pneumothorax. After controlling for gestational age, left-sided defect, CDH defect size, and liver position, our multiple logistic regression found increased PEEP and Paw were associated with the development of a pneumothorax. Guevorkian et al22 reported in a randomized cross-over study of 17 infants that a PEEP of 2 cmH2O compared with 5 cmH2O following surgical repair resulted in improved respiratory mechanics in patients with mild to moderate CDH (o/e LHR 35±13). The 2010 CDH EURO Consortium Consensus recommended similar initial PEEP levels of 2–5 cmH2O, while a recent systematic review by the American Pediatric Surgical Association Outcomes and Evidence-based Practice Committee suggested parameters for CMV including PIP≤25 cmH2O and PEEP levels of 3–5 cmH2O.23 24 Regarding Paw, in a multi-institutional study of 495 neonates with CDH of whom 52 developed a pneumothorax, Masahata et al16 found higher Paw was associated with developing a pneumothorax with an OR of 1.172 (95% CI 1.022 to 1.345), which is consistent with previous literature.25 With the findings of our study, we conclude PEEP greater than 5 cmH2O and Paw greater than 13 cmH2O at any time should be avoided to limit the risk of pneumothorax. We acknowledge the PEEP in both groups is higher than these recommendations and is due to the local practice of teams managing our patients with CDH. We have modified our institutional protocols to reflect these recommendations.
While other studies have shown ECLS is more frequently applied in patients with pneumothorax, the higher frequency of patients with smaller defects (types A and B) on ECLS in the pneumothorax group compared with the control group is concerning.16 With a similar max pCO2 following delivery and time to ECLS from birth, patients with smaller defects who developed pneumothorax did not initially appear to be clinically worse than the control group. We were unable to show a mortality difference between the two groups which may be due to the sample size. However, Masahata et al16 showed a lower rate of survival in those who developed a pneumothorax compared with those without.
Our study has several limitations. This single institution study is retrospective and may not be generalizable to a broader CDH population. The data available from chart review lacked specific details required to analyze the pressures used during the initial resuscitation and stabilization immediately after birth while patients were being ventilated with a manual T-piece resuscitator, which can be set to not exceed a specific pressure. Given the limited sample size, we also were unable to identify a difference in survival or whether receiving HFJV increased the odds of developing a pneumothorax. Regarding the variability in ventilator modes and settings found in our study, institutional protocols are in place to guide resuscitation and ventilator management; however, management of the patient remains open to the multidisciplinary team caring for the patient and accounts for variability.
In conclusion, development of pneumothorax in CDH prior to surgical repair is independently associated with higher PEEP and Paw levels at multiple time intervals. Furthermore, developing a pneumothorax was found to increase the likelihood of receiving ECLS, particularly for less severe defect types. While continuing gentle ventilation protocols to minimize variability of care, additional research is needed to fully understand the risk factors that contribute to the development of pneumothorax in CDH during the preoperative neonatal period in hopes of increasing case management and survival outcomes for patients with CDH.